OYC Fleet- Harbor/Dry Storage and Racing Fee Registration 2025
Fleets Registration for E Scows, X Boats, Lasers and M-15s
Registration is due May 1, 2025 in order to be scored. Late penalties apply after this date.
Harbor and Racing Fees: E Scow $800
X Boat (includes sailing school, on lake fleet coaching, AJ, TRAP and Xtreme Regatta coaching) $925
Off lake regattas: GLSS, QUAD, ILYA Champs coaching $100 per regatta
M-15 $500
Laser and Laser Radial $375
Rental of harbor and dry sailing space from the Waters facility
Access to space in the Waters Harbor for your E, M15 and X Boat lifts; land space for your Laser, or M15 boat
Expansion of dry sailing space with new landscaping and bark to accommodate the M15 and Laser fleet.
Harbor weed eradication each year in compliance with DNR regulations and guidelines.
Annual Dock Day repairs and ongoing dock maintenance as well as seawall repair as needed.
Lift space for OYC sailing school coach power boats as well as OYC Race Committee power boat.
Gas, oil and overall repair & maintenance of all OYC sailing school and Race Committee power boats
One Race Committee and up to one safety power boat on racecourse (manned by volunteers) for each scheduled adult race per the OYC schedule.
A Sailing School power boat (manned by paid Sailing School Instructor Staff) for each youth X Boat race per the OYC schedule
Property and liability Insurance for all Race Committee and Sailing School power boats.
All Race Committee equipment to adequately run OYC fleet races (horns, signal flags, anchors, line, buoys, etc.)
Trophies awarded to individuals in each fleet at the annual Cup Night recognition banquet.