OYC Fleet- Harbor/Dry Storage and Racing Fee Registration 2025

Fleets Registration for E Scows, X Boats, Lasers and M-15s

Registration is due May 1, 2025 in order to be scored. Late penalties apply after this date.

Harbor and Racing Fees:  E Scow $800

X Boat (includes sailing school, on lake fleet coaching, AJ, TRAP and Xtreme Regatta coaching) $925

Off lake regattas: GLSS, QUAD, ILYA Champs coaching $100 per regatta

M-15 $500

Laser and Laser Radial $375

  • Rental of harbor and dry sailing space from the Waters facility

  • Access to space in the Waters Harbor for your E, M15 and X Boat lifts; land space for your Laser, or M15 boat

  • Expansion of dry sailing space with new landscaping and bark to accommodate the M15 and Laser fleet.

  • Harbor weed eradication each year in compliance with DNR regulations and guidelines.

  • Annual Dock Day repairs and ongoing dock maintenance as well as seawall repair as needed.

  • Lift space for OYC sailing school coach power boats as well as OYC Race Committee power boat.

  • Gas, oil and overall repair & maintenance of all OYC sailing school and Race Committee power boats

  • One Race Committee and up to one safety power boat on racecourse (manned by volunteers) for each scheduled adult race per the OYC schedule.

  • A Sailing School power boat (manned by paid Sailing School Instructor Staff) for each youth X Boat race per the OYC schedule

  • Property and liability Insurance for all Race Committee and Sailing School power boats. 

  • All Race Committee equipment to adequately run OYC fleet races (horns, signal flags, anchors, line, buoys, etc.)

  • Trophies awarded to individuals in each fleet at the annual Cup Night recognition banquet.